Not much to say today. Still feeling worn out. The Doctor said that urosepsis is a bad thing and that many people even my age have to go to a nursing home from the hospital to build up strength before going home. He said to take it easy and let the body do some healing. So I guess it was more serious than I thought, but upward [downward] and forward.
Take care of yourselves. will write something tomorrow.
May the Lord Cover you all with His protecting Arms.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Energy 0 / New Recipe
So I am doing an early recipe this week just because it looked great. I have not tried yet but plan to soon.
Still having issues with no energy. guess I will find out tomorrow if I still have bugs in my blood. Hope that is not the reason. Tried to exercise yesterday but caused some serious light headedess and some uncomfort in chest. See what Doc says tomorrow.
Butternut Black Bean Soup
1 Sm - Med Butternut Squash
1 can Black Beans (*Organic)
2 Garlic Gloves
1/4 cup White Onion
1/2 Jalapeno
2 cups Vegetable stock
2 Tomatoes
Optional Toppings-non-fat Greek Yogurt (used as a sour cream replacement) or 1/2 oz low fat cheese
Slice the squash in half. Take seeds out. Place face up in in shallow baking pan with approx 1 in of water. Bake 1 hour at 350 degrees. [until done] While this is cooking Dice Jalapeno, onion, Garlic and tomato. [May remove seeds] Rinse and drain beans. Cool squash when finished.
Add oil to a pan on med heat. Add onion, jalapeno, and garlic. let cook slowly about 2 min [translucent]
put tomato and beans in processor. pulse to a course consistency. [blend for a smoother soup] Mix this with onion, garlic, and Jalapeno. Remove from heat. remove squash from shell, place in processor and puree. Add to bean - onion mixture.
Add 2 cups vegetable stock. 1 tsp cumin, and S-P to taste. return to heat on med for 5-6 min.
Serving Size 1 cp
Calories 225
Fat 1.5
Carbs 45
Protein 11
Also has Fiber of 11 which subtracted from total carbs leaves it at 34 carbs.
* Organic is not necessary but recommended by the creator of this recipe. I personally Know that Organic may be less chemical used but not always controllable.
May the Lord find Join in what You Do.
Still having issues with no energy. guess I will find out tomorrow if I still have bugs in my blood. Hope that is not the reason. Tried to exercise yesterday but caused some serious light headedess and some uncomfort in chest. See what Doc says tomorrow.
Butternut Black Bean Soup
1 Sm - Med Butternut Squash
1 can Black Beans (*Organic)
2 Garlic Gloves
1/4 cup White Onion
1/2 Jalapeno
2 cups Vegetable stock
2 Tomatoes
Optional Toppings-non-fat Greek Yogurt (used as a sour cream replacement) or 1/2 oz low fat cheese
Slice the squash in half. Take seeds out. Place face up in in shallow baking pan with approx 1 in of water. Bake 1 hour at 350 degrees. [until done] While this is cooking Dice Jalapeno, onion, Garlic and tomato. [May remove seeds] Rinse and drain beans. Cool squash when finished.
Add oil to a pan on med heat. Add onion, jalapeno, and garlic. let cook slowly about 2 min [translucent]
put tomato and beans in processor. pulse to a course consistency. [blend for a smoother soup] Mix this with onion, garlic, and Jalapeno. Remove from heat. remove squash from shell, place in processor and puree. Add to bean - onion mixture.
Add 2 cups vegetable stock. 1 tsp cumin, and S-P to taste. return to heat on med for 5-6 min.
Serving Size 1 cp
Calories 225
Fat 1.5
Carbs 45
Protein 11
Also has Fiber of 11 which subtracted from total carbs leaves it at 34 carbs.
* Organic is not necessary but recommended by the creator of this recipe. I personally Know that Organic may be less chemical used but not always controllable.
May the Lord find Join in what You Do.
Monday, August 29, 2011
A Peak Into My Month
So I have decided to post my Diary For the month of August to give you a slight peak into my mind and feelings. Like I said this is a open Blog so I have no secrets. This is not every day but will give you some idea of how my days go.
May The Lord Bless And Keep Yo For His Glory
Diary for August 1 thru August 31 2011
Tom Simmons Age 50
Attitude/Feelings: August 1st-My resolve is as strong as ever. At our church potluck one of my friends told me that my whole attitude is different this time, like nothing is going to stand in my way. That made me feel good that people can actually see my attitude is different.
Pain/Illness: August 1st-Pain in my upper back getting worse. Called for appointment will call in morning to get one tomorrow. Afraid it might be kidneys. Started Physical Therapy again per Dr Adams. No workouts but where they put a patch w/ cortisone on my back. We will see how that works.
Attitude/Feelings: August 2nd-A little frustrated about not being able to exercise after building up to the level I am. It hurts even to do deep breathing. Otherwise I would have to say my attitude is better than ever before. Plateau is broken, headed down again.
Pain/Illness: August 2nd-Went to appointment. PA Mueller Thinks it may be bronchitis, I wish I could get rid of that chain, I get it at least twice a year. Went to DCMH for chest X-Ray. Shot helped relieve pain. Cortisone Patch may actually be helping.
Attitude/Feelings: August 3rd-Woke up at . Feel rested. Attitude is good, continue to journey forward.
Pain/Illness: August 3rd-Back hurting this morning but had a few hours of a lot less pain last night. Off to Physical Therapy for cortisone patch.
Attitude/Feelings: August 4th-Slept in this morning []. A little tired this morning. I have WLS support group tonight. Still getting compliments on weight loss. I can not see it but others can. Went to support group tonight. Regular leader not there but the person who lead out did a good job.
Pain/Illness: August 4th-Doctors office called yesterday looks like I have bronchitis so started antibiotic. Back hurting a little more this morning so I do not know if it was the shot or the patch that helped Tuesday[?]Still having extreme pain in upper back area.
Attitude/Feelings: August 5th-Up and moving, blogged early this am. Blogging is definitely one reason I am being successful this round. Getting it out there in the public’s eye. Friends sometimes are not totally truthful about these types of situations. On the blog I just put it out there. I was very proud of my self today, I went and did my banking and stopped by Oxygen + came home and remembered my scripts so I went back down to Safeway and got the medicine. Decided to shop and was able to complete my shopping [walking] not riding in an electric chair. It has been almost two years since I was able to do that. Yeah for me!
Pain/Illness: August 5th-pain still there in upper back. It gets worse as the day progresses. Sinus problems this am but a squirt of nose spray and I was fine. Taking Avelox for Bronchitis, 3 down 7 to go.
Attitude/Feelings: August 7th-Slept in this morning () but still feel tired even sleepy. Attitude in right place, at another plateau but my resolve is good and I will break through this one too and any others till I hit my goal!
Pain/Illness: August 7th-Pain not to bad. This upper back pain has me confused though, bronchitis?
Attitude/Feelings: August 8th-Woke up early (). Went for my walk before Physical Therapy. Used Bike at PT and did 100 steps there. I get a chuckle out of that because I am a far away from the recommended 10,000. But doing what I can until I hit that mark. Things went well today very little stress. Everyone getting along.
Pain/Illness: August 8th-Pretty much the same back / hip pain. Using Tenz machine helps a little on the back but hips still hurt to the point of limping. I staggered a little today when walking because the pain gets so bad at times I will lose my balance.
Attitude/Feelings: August 9th-Woke up feeling good and rested. Started getting sleepy around . Did my exercise + and walked. Breathing seems to be getting better, hope that means bronchitis is going away. Stress level a little elevated, not bad.
Pain/Illness: August 9th-Hips bothering me today. Tenz machine defiantly helps back when walking. A slight headache this morning.
Attitude/Feelings: August 10th-Up early but slow getting started. Sore the morning but moving. Stress level OK, maybe a little elevated. A wise man once said, “You can pick your friends but you are stuck with family.”
Pain/Illness: August 10th-Feeling a little better today. Cortisone patches may be helping. Bad thing is only have two more I can take. 6 is the limit. A little stuffed up this morning but breathing is better.
Attitude/Feelings: August 11th-A little tired but not as bad as other sleep studies. Not really looking forward to the trip back to delta but turned out to be a nice trip. Got some nice pictures of the sun rise, cool morning so was able to drive with window down and no air conditioner.
Pain/Illness: August 11th-Used my Tenz machine driving back so pain not to bad. Sleeping in that hospital bed did not help. Very sore and weak today.
Attitude/Feelings: August 12-Woke up early, . Had a hard time getting going this morning. Tech told me yesterday my pressure on C-pap was too high which causers me to wake several times also.
Pain/Illness: August 12-Sore and a slight headache probably caused by high pressure.
Attitude/Feelings: August 13-Have a headache this morning. Tired, will be glad to get this C-pap set to the right pressure. Moving slow getting ready for church.
Pain/Illness: August 13-Headache, mid way of back very sore this morning and lower back hurts more this morning,
Attitude/Feelings: August 14-Upset at scale reading this morning but went for a walk and set out to correct problem. I believe it might be adding back sugar subs, going to cut them out and see. I am not tired I am literally exhausted. Do not understand why.
Pain/Illness: August 14-Same old pain and a slight headache this am. Completed series of antibiotic. Upper back still hurting, but not as bad. Very Lethargic, Kind of light headed. Laid down .
Attitude/Feelings: August 15-Not feeling well. Temp 102
Pain/Illness: August 15-
August 16 thru 19 hospitalized
Attitude/Feelings: August 24-Feeling better this morning. Getting ready for phy therapy. Went shopping while out. A little to much.
Pain/Illness: August 24-Not feeling so well after shopping. Weak, light headed and a little off balance. Very weak feeling.
Attitude/Feelings: August 25-Woke up much clearer this morning. Feeling better. No headache. Spirits up today.
Pain/Illness: August 25-Must be getting over illness. Thoughts are clear today not foggy like yesterday. No mentionable pain today. Down 62 pounds.
Attitude/Feelings: August 26-Feeling good this am. Went to PT for cortisone patch. Talking about more patches or electro therapy.
Pain/Illness: August 26-No pain to speak of. Feeling better over all, sinus symptoms.
Attitude/Feelings: August 29-Slept in again. Not sleeping at night again. Getting to sleep around 3 or . Aggravating after doing so well before hospital.
Pain/Illness: August 29-Went for walk around . Since I slept in and missed morning walk I doubled this one. Now not feeling well at all. Cold and hot, light headed, feel like I can not get enough air. Maybe to much to soon?
Hope you didn't fall asleep but then maybe that is what you needed. lol
Stress Reducers:
Listen to your body
Exercise but don't overdo
Words of Wisdom:
No matter how wonderful our dreams, how noble our ideals, or how high our hopes, ultimately we need courage to make them a reality. Without action, it’s as if they never existed.
May The Lord Bless And Keep Yo For His Glory
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Recipe Sunday +
Tips to Cut 200 Calories a Day
Losing weight isn't easy, but it's not impossible if you have the right mindset. One of the best ways to begin losing weight is by starting with a small, attainable goal, like cutting 200 calories a day. By cutting 200 calories a day and doing nothing else, you'll lose a pound every two and a half weeks. If you combine this reduced calorie approach with a consistent exercise program, you'll be sure to see significant changes.
Cut Out Sodas
If you drink a lot of soda, you're consuming empty calories without even realizing it. An 8 oz. serving of cola contains 100 calories, 27 g of which are sugar. Cutting out 16 oz. of cola will slash your daily intake by 200 calories. If you usually get a 20-ounce bottle, switch to diet and you'll save 250 calories.
Change Your Breakfast
If you get a bagel every morning, you're missing out on another option that provides similar taste, but fewer calories. Switching from bagels to English muffins every morning can subtract 220 calories off your daily total. However, be sure to watch the amount of butter you put on the English muffin, as too much butter can easily negate any calorie savings.
Get a Smaller Plate
If food isn't right in front of you, you're less likely to eat it. Choose a smaller plate than you're used to, and you'll eat less by default. Going from a 12-inch plate to a 9-inch plate can cut as much as 500 calories over the course of a day. Better yet, since you don't see the food you're not eating, you don't even miss it.
Words of Wisdom:
Remember that positive thinking transfers into positive living.
Stress Reducers:
Get Pleanty of Rest
Drink 64 oz of water a day
Believe in what you are doing
May the Lord Continue to Bless You in Your Daily Walk With Him.
Melinesa Steak
South American version of chicken fried steak.. It is a thin steak breaded in garlic, salt, and bread crumbs.
Prep Time: 8 Minutes
Cooking Time: 10 Minutes
Serves: 8 or 4
Yeilds: 8 – 2 oz serv or 4 – 4 oz serv
½ cup Italian Seasoned Bread Crumbs
16 0z Flank Steak (Raw and thinly cut)
1 Egg
DirectionsLay your steak out on your preparation surface. If it is not as thin as you would like, you can use a meat tenderizer. It should be about 1/8 of an inch when you finished.
Beat 1 egg in a bowl by itself. Put bread crumbs in a dish. Dip steak in egg, both sides, then dip both sided in breadcrumbs. Place into frying pan with heated oil.
Lay the steaks gently on a greased pan. Cook over medium heat for 5 min. The steak should cook quickly. Should be cooked to well done but can be cooked to your desired temp.
Beat 1 egg in a bowl by itself. Put bread crumbs in a dish. Dip steak in egg, both sides, then dip both sided in breadcrumbs. Place into frying pan with heated oil.
Lay the steaks gently on a greased pan. Cook over medium heat for 5 min. The steak should cook quickly. Should be cooked to well done but can be cooked to your desired temp.
Serving Size is 2 oz for 8 serv or 4 oz for 4 servings.
2 oz 4 oz
Calories = 245 490
Fat= 10 20
Protien= 20 40
I would advise to cut calories, cut out bread and do a dry rub with itallian herbs. This would cut count by 75 for 2 oz and 150 for 4 oz. Serv on bed of brown rice ½ cup, with 1 cup brussels sprouts or squash. Fresh sliced tomatoes & cucumbers w/ a desert of ½ lowfat cottage cheese and a fresh peach or pear, small; mixed and served cold. Complete calorie count would be around, for 2 oz serv of beef; approximatly 450 calories for the intire meal.
Play with ingredients, add a little fresh Ginger to put a little heat to it. Make it your own.
Remember that positive thinking transfers into positive living.
Stress Reducers:
Get Pleanty of Rest
Drink 64 oz of water a day
Believe in what you are doing
May the Lord Continue to Bless You in Your Daily Walk With Him.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Fun Friday's
here is a site with a search and find game. Warning it is addicting. Played about 1/2 hour without realizing it.
So here is an assignment for this week. drink at least 64 oz of water and exercise at least 15 min accumulative. So if you do 3 - 5 min or what ever. keep track. We will up it next Friday. try to get 4 out of 7 days.
Stress Reducers:
Be Honest With Self
Track Progress Honestly
Believe in Yourself
Words of Wisdom:
When tracking your food, exercise, and water; if you cheat the only person you are hurting is yourself. Be honest with yourself no matter what. We grow from our mistakes. You can not grow if you don't think you are making any.
Happy Sabbath and Mat The Lord Bless You Richly.
here is a site with a search and find game. Warning it is addicting. Played about 1/2 hour without realizing it.
So here is an assignment for this week. drink at least 64 oz of water and exercise at least 15 min accumulative. So if you do 3 - 5 min or what ever. keep track. We will up it next Friday. try to get 4 out of 7 days.
Stress Reducers:
Be Honest With Self
Track Progress Honestly
Believe in Yourself
Words of Wisdom:
When tracking your food, exercise, and water; if you cheat the only person you are hurting is yourself. Be honest with yourself no matter what. We grow from our mistakes. You can not grow if you don't think you are making any.
Happy Sabbath and Mat The Lord Bless You Richly.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Midway Pictures
Supper Last Night
Steak / Potato / Green Beans / Sliced Tomato
I can't believe the time stamp is right!
The photos at bottom were taken in June
These of course are now.
If I can figure it out, I will put them side by side.
Straighten up my Back!!!
Steak / Potato / Green Beans / Sliced Tomato
I can't believe the time stamp is right!
The photos at bottom were taken in June
These of course are now.
If I can figure it out, I will put them side by side.
Straighten up my Back!!!
Beyound Belief
I am having a hard time believing what is going on right now. I gladly except it though. I told you all that while in hospital, due to the IV I had gained 16 pounds. Well that went away quite quickly but the weight just continues to drop. I have lost the 16 pounds plus another 13 on top of that all in 6 days. Crazy things happen without much explanation. So I am down a total of 62 pounds since starting about 4 months ago. That is not counting the 16 pound fluid gain and loss. Feel better for it also.
Getting sick is no way to lose weight, matter of fact it is a good way to gain weight because the body goes into storage mode for the first few days. If you are ill for a long period you will probably lose weight but not a healthy weight loss. So keep yourself as healthy as you can, see your doctor regular, eat fresh healthy foods when possible, and exercise. When you do feel ill do not play around, especially if you have a fever. Get it taken care of. If I had not gotten this taken care of when I did, even another 24 hours could have caused some serious damage to my kidneys and more.
Keep up the Good Fight.
Stress Reducers:
Talking to a Friend
Believe in Yourself
Words of Wisdom:
"Don't ever compromise your belief. If you compromise one time you will compromise again and again." Desmond Doss
If you want to read a great story read about Desmond Doss, a Conscientious Objector in WWII that went above and beyond the call of duty and won the Congressional Medal Of Honor.
May The Lord Keep And Bless You All
Getting sick is no way to lose weight, matter of fact it is a good way to gain weight because the body goes into storage mode for the first few days. If you are ill for a long period you will probably lose weight but not a healthy weight loss. So keep yourself as healthy as you can, see your doctor regular, eat fresh healthy foods when possible, and exercise. When you do feel ill do not play around, especially if you have a fever. Get it taken care of. If I had not gotten this taken care of when I did, even another 24 hours could have caused some serious damage to my kidneys and more.
Keep up the Good Fight.
Stress Reducers:
Talking to a Friend
Believe in Yourself
Words of Wisdom:
"Don't ever compromise your belief. If you compromise one time you will compromise again and again." Desmond Doss
If you want to read a great story read about Desmond Doss, a Conscientious Objector in WWII that went above and beyond the call of duty and won the Congressional Medal Of Honor.
May The Lord Keep And Bless You All
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Playing Catch Up Still
So I went to physical therapy today. While out I ran to Gas station and store. I did not realize how much something like this can take out of a person. I got stuck in line at grocery store, now that brings up an age old question. They have 10 check out counters with one open? What is that all about if you are only going to open 1 or 2 at a time why have 10? So I get home and my legs are shaking, my head is light and a little dizzy. Guess when the say take it easy they mean take it easy.
So I want to talk a little about shopping. If this doesn't make much since take it at the source. There is a lot to be said about shopping the outer ring of the store and stay out of the center. Your Veggies, Meat, Fruit, and such are on the outer ring of the store, the pop, chips, cookies and most junk food are in the center. The only true exception to this is specialty foods such as Chinese, Italian, Greek and such are usually in an isle all there own. So shop the outer ring and avoid the inner isles and you will avoid a lot of impulse buying. The only trap left is the check out stand. This is loaded with impulse buyers nightmares. The junk magazines, junk food, and just junk. But hundreds of dollars are wasted here every day. Even if you don't buy food you are spending hard earned money on junk. So avoid the erg to buy. Just Say "NO". Save that money for the extra trip to the gym or a new hairdo you have been wanting to try, who cares what star had what aliens baby this week?
Stress Reducers:
Deep Breathing
Getting Good Rest
Relax, Don't Worry What You Can Not Change
Words of Wisdom:
Change the things you can, learn to live with the things you can not change. Live life for today and not for yesterday.
May the Lord continue to Bless you daily.
So I want to talk a little about shopping. If this doesn't make much since take it at the source. There is a lot to be said about shopping the outer ring of the store and stay out of the center. Your Veggies, Meat, Fruit, and such are on the outer ring of the store, the pop, chips, cookies and most junk food are in the center. The only true exception to this is specialty foods such as Chinese, Italian, Greek and such are usually in an isle all there own. So shop the outer ring and avoid the inner isles and you will avoid a lot of impulse buying. The only trap left is the check out stand. This is loaded with impulse buyers nightmares. The junk magazines, junk food, and just junk. But hundreds of dollars are wasted here every day. Even if you don't buy food you are spending hard earned money on junk. So avoid the erg to buy. Just Say "NO". Save that money for the extra trip to the gym or a new hairdo you have been wanting to try, who cares what star had what aliens baby this week?
Stress Reducers:
Deep Breathing
Getting Good Rest
Relax, Don't Worry What You Can Not Change
Words of Wisdom:
Change the things you can, learn to live with the things you can not change. Live life for today and not for yesterday.
May the Lord continue to Bless you daily.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Getting Back On Track
Getting back on track when you feel good is hard enough but when you still feel bad it can be even tougher. I am out of hospital 3 days now but still on high dose of antibiotic. 1000 mg Augmentin 2 times a day. Still feel weak. Tired all the time. But this is no time to throw in the towel. I do what I can, watch what I eat and continue down this journey at the pace my body will allow at this time.
I freaked out when I got on the scale after coming home. I had gained 16 pounds. But luckily it was the fluids they were pushing on me. Many, Many trips to the rest room and those pounds disappeared quickly. As of this morning I am down another 3 or 4 pounds. Total of 52 which means I am over half way to surgery goal. I am 2 weeks behind my original schedule but what I just went through I will gladly except that.
I do have to make mention the care that I received at hospital. The Nursing staff and Aides were great. They made a not so great situation a little more tolerable. I have been in places where the staff only made the circumstance worse. Thank you to all of you for your kind and caring attitudes.
I freaked out when I got on the scale after coming home. I had gained 16 pounds. But luckily it was the fluids they were pushing on me. Many, Many trips to the rest room and those pounds disappeared quickly. As of this morning I am down another 3 or 4 pounds. Total of 52 which means I am over half way to surgery goal. I am 2 weeks behind my original schedule but what I just went through I will gladly except that.
I do have to make mention the care that I received at hospital. The Nursing staff and Aides were great. They made a not so great situation a little more tolerable. I have been in places where the staff only made the circumstance worse. Thank you to all of you for your kind and caring attitudes.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Climbing Back In The Saddle
Hello again. It has been a couple of days but not of my choosing. I wrote about sickness and weight loss. I ended up a lot sicker than I thought. I had an infection of the bladder which I pocked fun of because men rarely get those. Well apparently the bladder did not appreciate my seance of humor, small that it is; and the infection spread to my blood. In under 24 hours I went from being sick to being in some pretty serious problems. So I have been in hospital hooked up to constant IV pushes at a rate of 200 ml an hour I believe that is how it reads. I was that way from Tuesday Morning until this morning when the Doctor said I could go home. I am still weak but will catch everything up on Sunday and Monday. So stay safe and don't make fun of your body when your sick. ;)
May the Lord continue to Bless us all in All Things for His Glory!
May the Lord continue to Bless us all in All Things for His Glory!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Road Trip
So there apparently will be times that we will take a little detour but not so far away.
I started of yesterday after noon not feeling to good. By 8 pm I was running a 102 Tmp. So off to the ER I went. My temp broke at the hospital and I was Hydrating profusely. Like how avoided the would sweating! So Turns out I have a bad bladder infection. I asked what causes these but no one could answer that question. So today I got on the trusty Internet and looked it up. So here are some facts. Women are more prone to bladder infection, reason that their urethra is only about 1 1/2 inches long so bacteria is more likely to travel into the bladder. These bacteria are usually a strain of E coli. Now for men it is very rare for us to get this until we get older. One thing that can cause this is prostrate swelling. Mine checked out fine so I guess like I always say, I am a rare bird. Bladder infections if treated can be not so serious, however if not treated can infect the kidney and if gone untreated can cause serious kidney damage. So just one more quick tid bit if you have a geriatric Family member or friend that has become incontinent, confused, and lethargic you may want to have them see the doctor for a possible bladder infection. In the elderly some times these symptoms are passed off as "old age".
So that does it for this road trip, except when you are sick your scale can move up and down a lot. I started off with a 6 pound gain yesterday morning which was strange but by this morning was 7 pounds down. so if you are the kind that stresses over what the scale says "DON"T WEIGH WHILE YOUR SICK". :)
Stress Reducers:
Get plenty of sleep
Don't weigh yourself every day
Believe in yourself no matter what anyone else says
Words of Wisdom:
If you think you are losing your mind, stop and look at the other person. Maybe it is them.
May the Lord Bless each step you take today
I started of yesterday after noon not feeling to good. By 8 pm I was running a 102 Tmp. So off to the ER I went. My temp broke at the hospital and I was Hydrating profusely. Like how avoided the would sweating! So Turns out I have a bad bladder infection. I asked what causes these but no one could answer that question. So today I got on the trusty Internet and looked it up. So here are some facts. Women are more prone to bladder infection, reason that their urethra is only about 1 1/2 inches long so bacteria is more likely to travel into the bladder. These bacteria are usually a strain of E coli. Now for men it is very rare for us to get this until we get older. One thing that can cause this is prostrate swelling. Mine checked out fine so I guess like I always say, I am a rare bird. Bladder infections if treated can be not so serious, however if not treated can infect the kidney and if gone untreated can cause serious kidney damage. So just one more quick tid bit if you have a geriatric Family member or friend that has become incontinent, confused, and lethargic you may want to have them see the doctor for a possible bladder infection. In the elderly some times these symptoms are passed off as "old age".
So that does it for this road trip, except when you are sick your scale can move up and down a lot. I started off with a 6 pound gain yesterday morning which was strange but by this morning was 7 pounds down. so if you are the kind that stresses over what the scale says "DON"T WEIGH WHILE YOUR SICK". :)
Stress Reducers:
Get plenty of sleep
Don't weigh yourself every day
Believe in yourself no matter what anyone else says
Words of Wisdom:
If you think you are losing your mind, stop and look at the other person. Maybe it is them.
May the Lord Bless each step you take today
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Sunday Recipe / More
Lets Talk Weight Fluctuation. How discouraging when your scale starts to climb up. But this is where the resolve comes into play. Before I would quickly revert back to old habits, but this time I will get out the food logs from 2 months ago and see what is causing this. I have a sneaking suspision that it is because I added back some sugar free items. I read once in a book and this doctor was sure sugar subs can be just as harmful as pure sugar when it comes to diet. Will let you know what happens when I cut them out.
Well today is our church annual corn roast. I will go and have 1 ear of corn with 1 tsp butter. We get the Olathe "Olathe Sweet Corn".
So I have a simple recipe for you today that is quite good:
4 oz Turkey Pastrami
4 Fresh lettuce leaves
1 oz 2% American Cheese
Spicy Mustard
Horseradish Sauce
Wash lettuce well. Can use what ever lettuce you wish.
Lay out lettuce after draining of excess water.
Place 1 oz of Turkey Pastrami in leaf, add 1/4 of cheese
Roll up. Repeat 3 more times. Use spicy mustard and/or horseradish to dip roll in. Bon Appetite
May the Lord continue to Bless you day and night
Well today is our church annual corn roast. I will go and have 1 ear of corn with 1 tsp butter. We get the Olathe "Olathe Sweet Corn".
So I have a simple recipe for you today that is quite good:
4 oz Turkey Pastrami
4 Fresh lettuce leaves
1 oz 2% American Cheese
Spicy Mustard
Horseradish Sauce
Wash lettuce well. Can use what ever lettuce you wish.
Lay out lettuce after draining of excess water.
Place 1 oz of Turkey Pastrami in leaf, add 1/4 of cheese
Roll up. Repeat 3 more times. Use spicy mustard and/or horseradish to dip roll in. Bon Appetite
May the Lord continue to Bless you day and night
Friday, August 12, 2011
Fun Friday, Well Maybe More Like Exhausted Friday!
Hello All, I have been trying to think of something today to write about but my brain just not working today. So I went to my old friend, The Mayo Clinic. This article talks a little about how I feel today. How not getting enough good sleep can effect weight loss. Remember Recipe Sunday, Someone send me a "healthy" recipe, Please!
Slow metabolism: Is it to blame for weight gain?
My sister says that she's overweight because she has a slow metabolism. Is there such a thing?
from Donald Hensrud, M.D.
Yes, there is such a thing as a slow metabolism. But it's rare, and it's usually not what's behind being overweight or obesity — that's usually a matter of diet and exercise.
Metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. Even when you're at rest, your body needs energy for functions such as breathing, circulating blood and repairing cells. The number of calories your body uses for these basic functions is known as your basal metabolic rate (BMR).
Several factors determine your basal metabolic rate:
Your body size and composition. If you're larger or have more muscle mass, you will burn more calories, even at rest. (So overweight people are more likely to have a faster metabolic rate — not a slower one.)
Your sex, (men get your mind out of the gutter) If you're a man, you probably have less body fat and more muscle mass than a woman of the same age, so you burn more calories.
Your age. As you get older, your muscle mass decreases, which slows down the rate at which you burn calories. Rather than metabolism, factors more likely to contribute to weight gain include:
Eating too many calories
Getting too little exercise
Genetics and family history
Certain medications
Unhealthy habits, such as skipping breakfast or not
getting enough sleep. [I was guilty of both of these but changed that and feel better for it.]
If you're concerned about your weight, talk with your doctor about healthy changes you can make. And if you still think your metabolism is too slow, your doctor can check it or check it for conditions that can cause problems with metabolism, such as hypothyroidism and Cushing's syndrome.
Stress Reducers:
Allow yourself time - everyday - for privacy, quiet, and introspection.
If an especially unpleasant task faces you, do it early in the day and get it over with, then the rest of your day will be free of anxiety.
Learn to delegate responsibility to capable others.
Word of Wisdom:
No matter what may have happened yesterday, a new day of fresh possibility has dawned. You are not the same person today as you were yesterday!
Well it is almost time to go for my 3rd walk today so take care and have a fun but safe weekend.
May the Lord Always Help You Carry Your Burdens.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Lazy Thursday / Pictures
Well I made it through the night and learned some things also. Thank You Ken for being a very confident and well versed person. This person explained every thing so I understood. Made the whole experience much easier than ever before.
On my drive back to Delta I had the opportunity to take some snap shots of the sun rise. This is the better one. The date stamp is never right on my camera. I always forget to change it after I change batteries.
So I am pretty worn out but did want to say thank you to all that are reading this blog, some are following by email and others get here through face book. Then some find me through a search engine. I just wanted to let all of you in the USA, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, Singapore, Kuwait and many others Thank You. Knowing that so many are reading this keeps me on task because I answer to all of you each day. Thank you so Much. I had some cards made up and this is what they look like.
This is not a great picture but I think you get the idea. It has the blog site, my face book address, and my e-mail address. If you think you might want some to pass out just message me and I will send you some. No charge of course I am just trying to build this site up.
Stress Reducers:
Just accept people as they are
Find a grassy knoll, a pitcher of unsweetened Ice Tea, and a good book, RELAX
Change what you can, make peace with what you can't & :)
Words of Wisdom:
If it sounds to good to be true, most of the time it is!
May the Lord Hear Your Prayers
On my drive back to Delta I had the opportunity to take some snap shots of the sun rise. This is the better one. The date stamp is never right on my camera. I always forget to change it after I change batteries.
So I am pretty worn out but did want to say thank you to all that are reading this blog, some are following by email and others get here through face book. Then some find me through a search engine. I just wanted to let all of you in the USA, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, Singapore, Kuwait and many others Thank You. Knowing that so many are reading this keeps me on task because I answer to all of you each day. Thank you so Much. I had some cards made up and this is what they look like.
This is not a great picture but I think you get the idea. It has the blog site, my face book address, and my e-mail address. If you think you might want some to pass out just message me and I will send you some. No charge of course I am just trying to build this site up.
Stress Reducers:
Just accept people as they are
Find a grassy knoll, a pitcher of unsweetened Ice Tea, and a good book, RELAX
Change what you can, make peace with what you can't & :)
Words of Wisdom:
If it sounds to good to be true, most of the time it is!
May the Lord Hear Your Prayers
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Getting There Is Only Part Of The Battle
So I am creeping up to the half way point. I am 2 #'s away from 50 #'s lost. I have increased my exercise time, and that does not mean walking slower. Also the reps done in weights and longer distance walking. I have gone back through my food journals and the only thing I have changed is the portions, I can not eat what I use to; and I added some Sugar substitute like sugar free oatmeal and 1 Tbl of sugar free jam. Could that be it? I will cut them back out and see if that makes a difference and report back to you.
I got (Bad Grammar) my camera back today so I will get some updated pictures up soon. I can not see a difference but others say they can. We will see. What is that about a camera adding 10 #'s? Do you think that only goes for TV camera or just a actor who needed an excuse? ;)
So let us talk about,watch out guys) FEELINGS! Yikes! But seriously what kind of feelings do you think you could have after weight loss whether through changing your eating habits on your own or WLS? I just finished the chapter on this subject in "The Expert's Guide To Weight Loss Surgery" By Dr Garth Davis, there were a lot of things I never considered before. One testament was she was always looked at and criticized for her weight now she gets the same treatment because she is pretty. Now in my belief I know a lot of "pretty" people who are very ugly inside but I do get what she is saying. I think she needs to hang out with and around new people. Marriage? That is one I will not have to worry about, but if you are losing weight and you get down to your goal what does the spouse think. It runs both ways. Does the jealousy run so deep it breaks a marriage or does the thrill that someone you love is much more healthy which in most cases means more time together. Dr Davis states that in most of his cases the ones that end up in divorce court had problems before the weight issue and the ones who stay together are bonded tighter. Why, well I think it is called "Love". When you truly care for some one you are happy when they get healthier and succeed in what they started out to do. (Remember I am not a Doctor or a Psychiatrist)
I know one of my problems is I don't see the change. When I was in the Army I lost down to 210 #'s, mind you I was 21 years old at the time and not nearly as obese. I still felt fat. As I put the weight back on I did not notice because I already felt that way. I had girls walk up and flirt with me and I would get embarrassed. One reason was I was and still am terrified of the female sex. I like females but I have seen what my sister did to her husband and then my own failed marriage and I just do not want to be hurt like that any more. I know I am not alone in that thought because I know men and women who feel the same way. The other reason was because I was fat. But I really wasn't, a Little overweight but I felt I was.
Dr Davis talked about the wall you put up around you so people can"t get to you, when the weight is gone where is that safety wall then. People literally can get closer. How do you deal with that. The plain and simple of that is, for these feelings or any reason; seeking professional help can only help. I don't mean Grandma who only hears every other word any way. A good professional will not only listen but will watch your movement, posture, and reaction which will give him/her a clearer picture and be able to help. One who works with Bariatric/lost weight would be preferred.
Wow, some days it just doesn't stop hey!
Words Of Wisdom:
People do not grow when their environment is too comfortable, when they are not challenged. It is in the midst of suffering and hardship that strength of character is formed.
Stress Reducers:
May The Lord Find You Pleasing In His Sight
I got (Bad Grammar) my camera back today so I will get some updated pictures up soon. I can not see a difference but others say they can. We will see. What is that about a camera adding 10 #'s? Do you think that only goes for TV camera or just a actor who needed an excuse? ;)
So let us talk about,watch out guys) FEELINGS! Yikes! But seriously what kind of feelings do you think you could have after weight loss whether through changing your eating habits on your own or WLS? I just finished the chapter on this subject in "The Expert's Guide To Weight Loss Surgery" By Dr Garth Davis, there were a lot of things I never considered before. One testament was she was always looked at and criticized for her weight now she gets the same treatment because she is pretty. Now in my belief I know a lot of "pretty" people who are very ugly inside but I do get what she is saying. I think she needs to hang out with and around new people. Marriage? That is one I will not have to worry about, but if you are losing weight and you get down to your goal what does the spouse think. It runs both ways. Does the jealousy run so deep it breaks a marriage or does the thrill that someone you love is much more healthy which in most cases means more time together. Dr Davis states that in most of his cases the ones that end up in divorce court had problems before the weight issue and the ones who stay together are bonded tighter. Why, well I think it is called "Love". When you truly care for some one you are happy when they get healthier and succeed in what they started out to do. (Remember I am not a Doctor or a Psychiatrist)
I know one of my problems is I don't see the change. When I was in the Army I lost down to 210 #'s, mind you I was 21 years old at the time and not nearly as obese. I still felt fat. As I put the weight back on I did not notice because I already felt that way. I had girls walk up and flirt with me and I would get embarrassed. One reason was I was and still am terrified of the female sex. I like females but I have seen what my sister did to her husband and then my own failed marriage and I just do not want to be hurt like that any more. I know I am not alone in that thought because I know men and women who feel the same way. The other reason was because I was fat. But I really wasn't, a Little overweight but I felt I was.
Dr Davis talked about the wall you put up around you so people can"t get to you, when the weight is gone where is that safety wall then. People literally can get closer. How do you deal with that. The plain and simple of that is, for these feelings or any reason; seeking professional help can only help. I don't mean Grandma who only hears every other word any way. A good professional will not only listen but will watch your movement, posture, and reaction which will give him/her a clearer picture and be able to help. One who works with Bariatric/lost weight would be preferred.
Wow, some days it just doesn't stop hey!
Words Of Wisdom:
People do not grow when their environment is too comfortable, when they are not challenged. It is in the midst of suffering and hardship that strength of character is formed.
Stress Reducers:
Learn to live one day at a time.
Every day, do something you really enjoy
Add an ounce of love to everything you do
May The Lord Find You Pleasing In His Sight
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Jumping Over The Wall
OK now following what I wrote yesterday, I upped my exercise, slowed down when eating, and chewing the food good. (at least 32 times) But you say doesn't that get tedious? Not when it brings you results. I am lower now than I have been for at least four years. Is that tedious? I think not. What ever it takes, that does not harm,\; do it!
I do need to get me a new pair of walking shoes, my hips are hurting more and I can feel the rocks every step, a good sign that I need new ones. Any one have any Ideas?
Tomorrow night is the sleep test at St Mary's, Oh and did I mention how much I am dreading it. who would like to sleep wired up like they were getting ready to electrocute you. Sleep, are you kidding me! But if it gets me closer to a surgery date I am all for that.
Not much to say today, a little tired and can not think strait. So I guess I will leave it at that unless something hits me later, which it probably will. :)
Stress Reducers:
Words of Wisdom:
May The Lord Bless Your Every Step As You Follow His Guidance.
I do need to get me a new pair of walking shoes, my hips are hurting more and I can feel the rocks every step, a good sign that I need new ones. Any one have any Ideas?
Tomorrow night is the sleep test at St Mary's, Oh and did I mention how much I am dreading it. who would like to sleep wired up like they were getting ready to electrocute you. Sleep, are you kidding me! But if it gets me closer to a surgery date I am all for that.
Not much to say today, a little tired and can not think strait. So I guess I will leave it at that unless something hits me later, which it probably will. :)
Stress Reducers:
Get up and streach periodically if your job requires that you sit for extended periods.
Wear earplugs: If you need to find quiet at home, pop in some earplugs.
Prayer and Bible study. Start your day off with some scripture and prayer. You might be surprised how much that helps. J
Words of Wisdom:
Resolving to take action is proof that you are progressing. Even if you have the tendency to make a determination but only stick to it for two or three days, just keep renewing that determination. Then you will become the kind of person who can persevere and reach their goals.
May The Lord Bless Your Every Step As You Follow His Guidance.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Hitting The Wall (Plateaus)
Nothing is more frustrating than hitting the wall (plateau) when you are trying to lose weight. There could be several reasons this happens, Your body get use to your exercise and eating routine, You have been sick, or your not drinking enough water which can cause water retention. Wake up gentlemen, water retention is not only a female’s problem.
According to the mayo clinic, plateaus are caused by the drop in your metabolism. Its normal for someone starting out on a diet and exercise routine to drop significant numbers in the first few weeks to a month. But, after that, as your body compensates for the lean muscle tissue lost during exercise, your metabolism may begin to slow. Metabolism is how your body burns up excess fat and helps you lose weight.
Once you know why your body has slowed down, it's time to readjust. You can recalculate how many calories your body needs based on your new weight using an online calorie calculator. Reducing your calorie intake, combined with regular exercise, can help boost your metabolism.
Building lean muscle can help because the more lean muscle you have the more fat will be burned, even in sleep.
Here are some idea’s that may help if you are stalling out.
- Cleaning up your food intake. I hope you have been keeping a food journal. Go back and look at it. What are you doing differently? Are you grazing, eatting late at night watching TV, cooking and sampling what your cooking, you would be supprised how many calories you can consume this way.
- If you drink alchol STOP. Alchol is empty calories plus it is not good for your brain. Alcohol will actually slow you metabolism down.
- Go with low glycemic at least for a while. If you have refined carbs in your diet get rid of them, especially before a workout.
- Very your workouts. Mix it up, do cardio one day, strengthing anoter, and maybe swimming the next day. Try one of those group water exercise groups.
- Make sure you are drinking enough water. You should be drinking in oz about half of what you weigh. But I think about how much I way, that would be over 250 oz a day, yea right; I don’t think I could drink that even if I was drowning! But if you are even up to 300 I might see 150 but that is still pushing it, so same rule applies do what your body is telling you. NOT the brain but the BODY!
- Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. You say “I can’t exercise? I now because that was what I was saying. But if you start slow and work your way up, I started walking to the mail box which is about 80 steps. Now I am up to almost 1,500 steps a day. It is your brain telling you NO stop that but you can, If there are reasons you can’t walk do upper body stuff. Get a can of veggies and start lifting that. You can do leg movment from a setting position. You can get creative and figure something out, from that small start a mighty oak will grow.
- Get some support from somewhere. Family, friend, even a personal trainer just as you have someone to be accountable to, which the number one person should be YOU!
Stress Reducers:
Words of Wisdom:
A wise man once said, "The only person stopping you is YOU."
May you find the Lord always at your side.
Sorry about the mix match but couln't get it to cooperate this morning.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Stuck in the Mud / Recipe Time
Plateaus are probably the one major reason people fail at losing weight. I am at another Plateau however my resolve is strong and I will crash through this wall again and as many times as I have to to make my goal. Yesterday I had a gentleman tell me he did not think I needed the surgery, that if I went on the eating plan he did I would lose the weight. Now I know he was just trying to help, but I saw in his face the old fears of bariatric surgery. It was once a new surgery and like all new procedures there were things to work out and improve. With today's technology and skilled surgeons it is safer than ever before. open heart surgery went through the same trial and error as did every other surgery, With today's laproscopic surgery's there is less trauma to the body which adds up to shorter recovery time and less chance of infections. Now you will notice I said less, there are still some chance of a problem however there is a chance that you will get run over by a bus also but does that make you stay inside? My friend said yesterday that his plan was 10% protein, 10 % fay, and 80% simple carbs. Well that is backward to what I have studied but hey it is working for him and that is great. but there is a difference in having 50 pounds to loose and having 350 pounds to lose. Each of us are different so I say do what best works for you, as long as it does not hurt the body while your doing it.
Well it has been three months now that I got serious about this weight loss and gave up all processed flour, potatoes, added sugar or sugar substitute. My tastebuds have come back to life and I feel better also. You may think you need that pasta or bread but I found out you really don't. My salads are plain, no dressings and they taste great matter of fact before I never could taste anything but the dressing. I used bread like another utensil, bread in one hand and a fork in another eating four or five slices at a time. know I just use the utensils at the side of the plate and I do not crave bread at all. The lord is great. Friday I went to pick up meds and decided to make myself walk down he snack isle, you know the one with candy, chips, and popcorn's. By the time I got to the end I was actually nausea's from the sweet smell. That is a sure deterrent in my book. So I went and purchased some nice Sole, and fresh fruit and had great supper.
We had a baptism in one of our local churches last evening and then a potluck supper afterwards, now I grant you there are little choices at our potlucks for me but the great fellowship makes up for the limited choices of food. So last night I decided I would take a fresh fruit salad and be different. Well I guess everyone else had the same Idea because there were 4 or 5 fruit salads and even a couple fruit pizzas, I had some fruit and veggies and had a great time, Thank you Cedaredge for being a wonderful host.
I still have not received any recipe ideas so I will have to give you one of my own. I am working on making my creamy chicken enchiladas a little more healthy so I will be posting that soon also.
Well it has been three months now that I got serious about this weight loss and gave up all processed flour, potatoes, added sugar or sugar substitute. My tastebuds have come back to life and I feel better also. You may think you need that pasta or bread but I found out you really don't. My salads are plain, no dressings and they taste great matter of fact before I never could taste anything but the dressing. I used bread like another utensil, bread in one hand and a fork in another eating four or five slices at a time. know I just use the utensils at the side of the plate and I do not crave bread at all. The lord is great. Friday I went to pick up meds and decided to make myself walk down he snack isle, you know the one with candy, chips, and popcorn's. By the time I got to the end I was actually nausea's from the sweet smell. That is a sure deterrent in my book. So I went and purchased some nice Sole, and fresh fruit and had great supper.
We had a baptism in one of our local churches last evening and then a potluck supper afterwards, now I grant you there are little choices at our potlucks for me but the great fellowship makes up for the limited choices of food. So last night I decided I would take a fresh fruit salad and be different. Well I guess everyone else had the same Idea because there were 4 or 5 fruit salads and even a couple fruit pizzas, I had some fruit and veggies and had a great time, Thank you Cedaredge for being a wonderful host.
I still have not received any recipe ideas so I will have to give you one of my own. I am working on making my creamy chicken enchiladas a little more healthy so I will be posting that soon also.
Tangy Ranch Chicken
2/3 cup ranch dressing (low fat or fat free) But watch out for added sugar.
1/3 cup yellow mustard
¼ cup brown sugar (try using splenda instead with some maple or walnut flavoring)
4 boneless skinless chicken breast (make sure to always use skinless chicken, you would be surprised how much you save on fat and calories if you do)
mix dressing, mustard, and sugar. Coat chicken with 2/3 of sauce. Marinate for at least 30 min in fridge. Bake in oven at 350 degrees for 25 min or till done. Use rest of sauce to serve with chicken. May be grilled or broiled.
This was actually a tasty meal that everyone enjoyed, serve with 1/2 cup Brown rice and some great greens. YUM!
I am trying to get my camera back so I can add some pictures to this also.
Have a great week
May the Lord walk by your side always
Friday, August 5, 2011
Fun Friday's
Hello all today is friday so I am putting a couple puzzles up to play with. If you have any fun ideas please drop me a line. Hope you all have a great weekend.
Find Waldo (good luck I couldn't!
Word Search
Good Luck
Rules: Can be Diagonal-Up & Down-Backwards-Across
R | O | T | C | O | D | L | O | K | L | F | D | C | B | G |
A | L | I | C | E | U | O | D | A | R | O | L | O | C | P |
L | A | T | E | P | G | G | T | G | G | G | T | J | F | T |
O | T | A | G | D | O | T | Y | F | U | R | I | T | R | I |
K | H | N | I | N | U | Y | J | G | O | T | O | H | O | C |
S | E | I | H | A | T | U | G | B | O | A | T | T | Y | I |
P | S | C | T | B | Q | G | Y | R | Y | U | O | F | U | R |
Q | W | U | H | E | K | O | H | O | T | H | L | Y | I | T |
R | E | P | E | H | T | A | Y | P | T | O | E | J | Y | A |
F | E | A | S | T | I | T | I | B | B | A | R | H | L | I |
H | D | G | L | H | B | H | T | L | G | L | I | G | K | R |
G | C | O | E | T | E | O | G | L | O | T | O | G | Y | A |
Y | O | X | E | G | T | U | T | H | U | T | Y | U | U | B |
C | R | Y | V | Y | F | Y | K | Y | W | L | S | J | F | J |
G | N | G | E | D | R | H | A | N | L | Y | D | G | L | Y |
F | J | J | K | T | F | L | N | Y | B | Y | P | A | S | S |
Words of Wisdom:
The Only Stupid Qurstion Is The One You Don't Ask.
Stress Reducers:
Simplify, Simplify, Simplify
Learn To Live One Day At A Time
Get Enough Sleep. If Necessary Use An Alarm Clock To Remind You To Go To Bed
May the lord keep you safe this weekend